Glade Rock Farms

ATTENTION CUSTOMERS, WE CAN SHIP BY PLANE, GROUND TRANSPORT OR PICKUP IN PERSON. FLIGHTS ARE LIMITED. If you choose to use ground shipping instead of a personal pick up, please be aware that you are to use our ground shippers that we have available. We have preferred shippers for a reason and it's for the safety of our pets. We have every right to refuse or cancel sales if you go against our best judgement for this very reason. Deposits will be and are non-refundable. THANK YOU!

From this moment forward, customers will be no longer be allowed to have cell phones out at time of pickups unless discussed prior.

Thank You For Understanding!


We have had a lot of inquiry on financing! We are set up for it now the only thing that we ask is that you speak with us prior to filling out an application. We need to know which puppy you are applying for so we don’t accidentally sell that puppy while you are trying to get approved. I hope that makes sense. We do require a non refundable deposit to hold the puppies even when financing. It does however, come off the total. We also do not deal with buyers remorse so please be sure before applying. You have 3 days from the date that you've applied to decide if you dont want to move forward. After that you will be locked in with finance. Please feel free to contact us about any questions you may have!

Community Financing is what we offer! There is no extra fees tacked on. NO FEES, HASSLE FREE. Will run a hard credit check. Want to make sure you are who you say you are. Can combine bulk things together if you happened to purchase a crate and a puppy, or more then one puppy with or without shipping etc can combine in one total. Payments will depend on customer, their pay days etc. Feel free to give them  a call as well with any questions you may have!


UABR DOB- 9-26-24 Ready to go home 11-21-24 $500 Champion Bloodlines Shih Tzu

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AKC DOB- 01-01-25 Ready to go home 2-26-25 $1200 Shih Tzu

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AKC DOB- 01-01-25 Ready to go home 2-26-25 $1200 Shih Tzu

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AKC Rocket

AKC DOB- 01-01-25 Ready to go home 2-26-25 $1200 Shih Tzu

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APRI DOB- 11-18-24 Ready to go home 1-13-25 $1200 Havanese

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APRI DOB- 11-18-24 Ready to go home 1-13-25 $1200 Havanese

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SOLD APRI DOB- 11-18-24 Ready to go home 1-13-25 Havanese

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SOLD APRI DOB- 11-18-24 Ready to go home 1-13-25 Havanese

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SOLD UABR DOB- 9-26-24 Ready to go home 11-21-24 Champion Bloodlines Shih Tzu

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SOLD UABR DOB- 9-26-24 Ready to go home 11-21-24 $ Champion Bloodlines Shih Tzu

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Sold UABR DOB- 9-26-24 Ready to go home 11-21-24 Champion Bloodlines Shih Tzu

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SOLD APRI, DOB- 7-31-24 Ready to go home 9/25/24 Havanese

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SOLD APRI, DOB- 8-1-24 Ready to go home 9/26/24 Havanese

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Elizabeth Stewart

This was the easiest and most confident puppy purchase and adoption I've ever made. My little Bear is loving and playful, just the right amount of mischievous, and highly intelligent. He learned to sit in the first 24 hours and today we learned to lay down in under 10 minutes. He's as happy as can be in his forever home. I looked for 2 years for a little collie puppy and the fact that Britney set up safe shipping to get my little guy to me made this relationship an instant success! Bear is the perfect addition to my family! Bear is also obsessed with the snow, he loves it so much!


Debbie Taggart

I just wanted to tell you how much we love Bailey. She has been an excellent puppy. She is so smart and her temperament is perfect. She already knows how to sit and shes almost house trained. I have had many collie puppies in my lifetime and she is so great. Thank you again!


Patricia Hawkins

I just want to let you know that my havanese puppy is the best dog Ive ever had! He is adorable, so sweet, and just perfect!! We are a perfect fit, he is so devoted!! I love him so much!


Hi, just wanted to show you a pic of Gypsy. 7 months old, 40 pounds and healthy as a horse. Lol She has definitely made up for being a tiny girl. Her new trick is jumping from the floor up onto the tables. She definitely is a handful. We love her so much and she is quite spoiled. We are hoping we survive the puppy stage. Lol Just wanted to give you an update on one of your puppies! Thanks. :)


Hi Britney! Just wanted to let you know that Margherita is doing really well! She's a cutie, getting bigger. She's so funny, full of energy, playful and cuddly. We love her! Her eyes and coat are beautiful! She loves all people and other dogs and the kitties. She also smiles!


Joel and Emily Skaggs

Hey there! We are LOVING our sweet Maggie!! Big girl, so smart! Mischievous and funny. Loves the fireplace and is queen of the house. Love her to pieces!


Alexis Martin

Hello! Quick update on Kenji. He's doing amazing! He's learning to not be afraid of the leash, knows how to sit, shake, and lay down. Gets along great with our other dog and cat and is doing great on potty training. His first checkup , the vet couldn't get his eyes to follow some things and doesn't run into much anymore. He's also going up and down stairs now and jumping on the couch. We love him so much!


Stacy Schultz

He is doing good, he is smart! Still working on potty training, wishing he would go potty outside all the time! Its not that he doesn't know, its hes to lazy or needs me with him. I have a doggy door he uses just fine when he wants to. We love him!


Sarkius Joseph

Hey just giving an updated photo of Vedder! He's doing great!


Puppies Are Everywhere,

But Best Friends Are For LIFE

We strive for nothing but the best quality. We provide the best care we could possibly give and work our hardest to place puppies in the perfect home that fits them and their needs!



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